How to Help Someone During the Parole Review Process
Of course, the best way to help someone is by sending them a copy of our book, How to Prepare a Texas Parole Packet, which contains forms, instructions, and examples of all of the documents needed to increase the chances of parole being granted.
However, even if you don't want to go to that time and expense, you can still help.
One of the most important items contained in the Texas parole packet are support letters. These letters can come from friends, families, employers, or acquaintances. Their purpose is to let the parole board know the personal, human side of the prisoner and not just the details of their crime, the comments of any of the police, or the mug shot contained in the file.
Parole support letters can take many forms and there are a number of them that can be found by running a quick internet search. However, we can't recommend any of those. We spent a great deal of time and effort crafting the ones contained in our book and they are designed to enhance a specific strategy. Rather, than using one of the others you find on the web, our suggestion would be to just write a letter "from the heart" explaining why the potential parolee will have a support system when they are granted parole, how they will stay out of trouble, and how you intend to help them.
Putting together a plan for making parole is much, much harder than many of the forums on the internet make it appear. Their method is to just throw a lot of stuff at the parole board in the hope that some of it sticks. However, that ignores the way that the parole system actually works in Texas, three individual voting members examining the file one at a time and then voting one at a time, never actually meeting about the person.
Is there is no specific plan in place, then speaking from the heart will make it more likely the voters will believe what you are saying and thus believe that the parolee has a better support system in place.
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