parole package
How a Parole Package Helps
With frequency, Texas Parole Now gets asked “How does a parole package help someone make parole?” When it comes to the Texas Board of Pardons and Parole a parole package can provide the voting members background information about the offender. Obtaining the necessary documents to compile a good parole package can takes several months. A parole package provides information such as inmates background, education, accomplishments, risk assessment, post-parole plans, and continued rehabilitative programs upon release. The parole packet offers a picture of the potential parolee showing them as aRead More
Why Submit A Parole Packet?
Parole Packets are a means by which the Texas Board of Pardons and Parole receive information about an inmate's rehabilitation, participation in educational classes, and character which are used to determine an offender's parole vote. A parole package is not necessary for an inmate to make parole. The voting members of the Texas Board of Pardons and Parole do not require anyone to do anything. However the voting members of the Texas Board of Pardons and Parole receive hundreds of files each month for review for parole and mandatory supervision. A paroleRead More
Getting Your GED While Incarcerated
Windham School District (WSD) provides a GED preparation program for inmates seeking to obtain their GED while incarcerated and is available for any qualified inmate in a Texas county or state jail or prison at no charge. When inmates enter TDCJ they are tested to determine their academic level. Inmates are then placed in educational program based on their Individualized Treatment Plan, which outlines education services for the offender. Inmates are taught the skills needed to prepare for the GED test. Classes are typically three hours a day andRead More
The Most Important Part of a Texas Parole Package
The title to this article may be just a little misleading because every part of a parole packet, especially when done using the system we describe in our book How to Prepare a Texas Parole Packet, is important. That's due to the fact that the system is set up to cover all areas and appeal to whatever the specific voting members of the Texas Board of Pardons and Parole think are important. However, there is one part of the packet that we see people messing up on very, very oftenRead More
Can You Get a Court Appointed Lawyer for Texas Parole?
Unfortunately in Texas, parole is (mistakenly in my opinion) considered a privielege, not a right. What this means is that many of the safeguards that are present in the criminal justice system, both before trial and on appeal, no longer exist when it is time to apply for parole. The right to have the state appoint a lawyer for someone that can't afford one is not present in a Texas parole application. There are a number of great Texas parole attorneys available (and some not so good) but all of them are forRead More