texas department of corrections
Clash of Cultures in Prison
I know some people look at his website while they, or a loved one, are waiting to go to prison and that's a great idea because they are already starting to look ahead to their Texas parole and will be ahead of the game. (Don't forget to take a look at our book on parole in Texas at this link) However, this website is about prison life as well as how to get parole so there is an important topic to cover, that of the culture clashes which occur inRead More
Texas Prison Lockdowns
No, they're not all on lockdown right now so don't worry. I just noticed people asking about this issue on another site and while it doesn't strictly deal with Texas Parole or Texas Parole Packets it is still an issue with which the families and friends, not to mention the prisoners themselves, are concerned. A lockdown is where prisoners are confined to their cells or rooms, in some cases they aren't even allowed to leave their bunks, for a period of time. Every unit in the Texas Prison System, whetherRead More