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Merry Christmas …and Don’t Forget Those Inside!

We want to wish our readers a Merry Christmas or Happy Holiday season, whichever fits your religion and background. We also want to thank you for taking the time to read our articles, buy our books, and support us by sending emails, suggesting ideas, and letting us know when we help with parole.

The week of Christmas is the hardest one of the year for those people spending it behind bars. The prisons in Texas usually do one really good meal that day (as compared to the food the rest of the year) and a bag with bologna sandwiches for supper but that really only serves to make an offender more aware of what they are missing on the outside.

Normally we post several articles during December encouraging people to send a few extra dollars for commissary, send a copy of our book if parole is coming up soon, or to at least send Christmas cards but this year we were so involved with projects we just forgot to do that.

So, while they'll be late, it is still a good time to send an inmate a letter, a small gift (going by the TDCJ rules of course), a copy of our parole book, or a few dollars "on the books" at the commissary just to let them know they aren't forgotten. 

It will mean a lot, When you're in prison and have nothing, any small token means so much more plus it shows them there are still people on the outside who care.

Merry Christmas!

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