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Father’s Day in Prison


Spending Father's Day in prison is pretty tough on both the man inside as well as the kids on the outside. We urge you to take today and go and visit the dad not only to help him keep his spirits up but also for the benefit of the children and to keep the family unit together as much as possible.

While every father that is inside wants nothing more than to be out, if that's not possible then the next thing they want is to know that the people on the outside still love them and care about them.

It's not too late to start working on their parole package and to send them a copy of our book How to Prepare a Texas Parole Presentation Package at the same time as you work on their parole paperwork on the outside using the downloadable ebook that is included in the price.

The good news, as we pointed out not too long ago, is that the chances for parole have increased dramatically. What this means is that if you can, hire a Texas parole lawyer but if that is beyond your means then everybody needs to do their parole packet!


A Note:

People ask us "When is the time to start preparing a Texas parole packet?" Most of you know that a parole packet or a parole presentation package is a collection of documents and pictures sent to the Texas parole board to help them get to know the potential parolee a little better. This is particularly important in Texas since there is not an interview nor does the offender ever meet with an actual member of the parole board who will be voting.

Our answer as to when to start is always the same. 


There are many reasons for this, but the main thing to remember is it is better to have the information and not need it, than to need it and not have it. Many times it takes much longer to get the information together than you would think and people are forced to submit packets without all of the materials. When you are trying for parole in Texas you need every bit of help you can get.

We discuss the various parts of the packet in our eBook, How to Prepare a Texas Parole Presentation Package, available as a download which can then be used to prepare the packet or as a download and printed copy. As a bookstore, we can mail the printed copy to a prisoner at his unit or directly to you. By all means, if you can afford a parole attorney, hire one, but if you can't, our low priced eBook will help you to do the best job possible.

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