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No Parole Interviews in Texas – or at least, Not Like You Think

Recently, we were asked by an inmate's family member why the inmate was not interviewed by the parole board members during the time the board was reviewing this person for consideration for parole?

An expert in Texas law, and a former criminal trial lawyer, answered the question:

Parole in Texas is unique.  It is nothing like what is shown on television.  In Texas, the parole board members rarely conduct a personal interview.  The inmate is never brought before the parole board members who actually do the voting to answer questions concerning rehabilitation.  That is why a parole presentation package is so important.

During the parole consideration process, if the inmate or someone on behalf of the inmate  submits a parole package to the parole board, then the parole board members have the opportunity to review that information in addition to any negative information contained in the inmate's file.  The parole board members will also review victim impact statements and any other material contained in the file that relevant to the inmate and/or the crime.  Based on this information, the members will decide whether or not to grant parole.   For many inmates, the parole package is the only positive information available to the board members.

That is why a parole package is so important during the Texas parole consideration process.  A parole package has to be more that just a letter pleading for the release of a loved one, it needs to contain information that shows that the prisoner is a person and not just a mug shot and a number. strongly recommends How to Prepare a Texas Parole Presentation Package.

In Texas, the review process starts six months before their parole eligibility date.  The parole eligibility date is not the date the parole board will decide whether or not to grant parole, it just means the inmate can be released at any time after that date.  The parole board will actually make the decision to release the inmate sometime before the parole eligibility date.  It is extremely important that the parole package be submitted to the parole board members well before the parole eligibility date so that the offender can be certain it has time to be sent to the offices of the ones doing the voting and included in the file they review.

The eBook How to Prepare a Texas Parole Presentation Package explains what we believe makes the biggest difference in the parole process, and explains it an easy to understand  format that anyone can understand and use. The book also contains forms and examples that are both concise and informative and allow the offender to be presented in the best light possible.

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