Lots and Lots of Bad Info and Scammers Out There
At TexasParoleNow.com we like to keep informed of what is going on both in the prison system and the things in the outside world that concern the people who are incarcerated along with their families.
What we have seen is a phenomenal rise in both the number of entities trying to take advantage of people in times of trouble as well as scams.
We’ve repeatedly made it clear that if you can afford to employ the services of a parole attorney then that is the route to take. We’ve also made it clear that only a parole attorney should be charging to prepare parole packets for people. Yet, every week, we see more and more “companies” pop up on the internet offering their services in preparing parole packets. We know some of them are doing nothing more than using our book as guidance on how to prepare the packets because we know they ordered the book from us and many of them were even using our book cover in their advertisements until we told them to cease and desist. Essentially, what they are doing is charging hundreds of dollars and using the same examples and forms that are in our book which is sold in the most expensive “bundle” for $34.95.
In addition, we see a lot of websites advertising examples of support letters and parole packets for free. However, we now know that many of these websites, most of which are based overseas, allow you to download files which are out of date or contain incorrect information and which also contain viruses and other files and malware which can wreck your computer system.
In this business, just as in any other, there are a lot of people trying to take advantage of you. Please use caution and common sense before spending your hard earned money or trying to get “something for nothing”.
There are a lot of good parole lawyers out there who would love to have your business if you want to hire someone to prepare a Texas parole packet for you or a loved one. We think our book is the only one available right now that is comprehensive, up to date, and written by an attorney and a trained professional with an eye toward making the packet both easy to do as well as effective in presenting a case for the voting members of the Texas Board of Pardons and Parole.
Be smart!