Over 80,000 Inmates Considered for Parole in 2012
In 2012, 81,638 inmates were considered for parole. Of those, only 29,689 were approved. That means the Texas Board of Pardons and Parole approved just 36.8% of the inmates who were up for parole. On average each parole office decides over 16,000 parole reviews per year, roughly 310 per week or almost 63 per day. These numbers do not include the additional thousands of cases in which the board is considering an inmate for mandatory supervision.
Based on these numbers, it is clear the members of the Parole Board have an overwhelming workload regarding granting or denying parole. Given these staggering numbers, it is hard to know how closely they are able to look at each individual case beyond a quick look at the case summary and criminal history. Often information relevant to deciding whether someone should be granted parole is not captured by the IPO who created the case summary.
That is why a complete and properly prepared parole package is important. A properly prepared parole packet can allow a chance to present the person in a completely different light. It can allow you to change the perception from a "file and number" to that of a person with hopes, dreams, good points, and loved ones on the outside waiting for them.
Anyone can prepare an effective Texas Parole Packet. All they need is the information contained in our book, How to Prepare a Texas Parole Packet available as both as an instant downloadable and as a bundle of the eBook and a printed book (which can be sent to the person in prison to allow them to help with the preparation of the package).