Parole Guidelines Score
The Parole Guidelines score is a major issue in whether a Texas parole is granted or denied by the Texas Board of Pardons and Parole.
On its face, it is extremely complicated to calculate although once you understand how it works it is actually pretty easy.
We discuss both how to do the calculation and how to present it in our book How to Prepare a Texas Parole Packet and we are working on an online calculator for this website which will allow someone to enter the data and the calculations will be performed automatically. Unfortunately, the scores are based on data provided by the State of Texas and they occasionally change the data which requires us to rework the program so as of now the online calculator isn't effective and the score must be calculated using pen and paper.
Parole Guidelines Score
The Parole Guidelines score has numerous factors to be considered. These include:
Age at First Commitment to a Juvenile or Adult Correction Facility
26 or older
18 to 25
17 or under
History of Supervisory Release Revocations
No probation, parole or mandatory supervision
One revocation
More then one revocation
Prior Incarcerations (Adult or Juvenile)
1 or 2
3 or more
Employment or Educational History
At least 6 months of continuous full-time employment or school attendance two years before incarceration
Less than six months of continuous full-time employment or school attendance two years before incarceration
Inmate's Current Age
Under 25
45 or over
Active Prison Gang Membership
Completed GED or high school diploma since incarceration or any time before
Disciplinary Conduct
Has not lost good time or bonus time in the last 18 months
Has been demoted below entry status or lost good/bonus time in the last 18 months
Zero balance of good time on record
Current custody level
Minimum out
Minimum in
Medium, close custody or ad seg
A score of 0 to 5 makes an offender a low risk prospect for release.
A score of 6 to 8 makes an offender a medium risk prospect for parole.
A score of 9 to 11 makes an offender a high-risk prospect for parole.
A score of 12 or better makes an offender a very high-risk prospect
There is also an additional score which is factored in depending on the exact crime which resulted in the conviction. Unfortunately, there are hundreds if not thousands of these.
The way this is scored is preset points are assigned for each possible answer under the items above and the points are then added together to determine the Parole Guidelines Score and indicate what risk level and prospect the offender is for release on parole.
We did not put the points for each category above as they change periodically but the correct and current scores and a more detailed (but easy to understand) explanation of the calculations is contained in our book, How to Prepare a Texas Parole Packet which is available in both an instantly downloadable ebook format or as a bundle containing a printed copy and a digital copy. The printed copy can be mailed anywhere including to an offender in prison.
Another point in conclusion. We find it is effective to make the Parole Guidelines Score calculations and include them in the parole packet. The method for doing so is also set out in our book.
A Word of Warning: I have seen several website that explain the Parole Guidelines scores incorrectly or use old data and points for the scoring. Before relying on or using any information you find on the web be sure you verify whether it is current and accurate!
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