Visitation in TDCJ (Texas Prisons) During Coronavirus Pandemic

If you have a loved one you would like to visit with, it is best to contact the actual unit to ask what rules are in effect.
How a Parole Package Helps
With frequency, Texas Parole Now gets asked “How does a parole package help someone make parole?” When it comes to the Texas Board of Pardons and Parole a parole package can provide the voting members background information about the offender. Obtaining the necessary documents to compile a good parole package can takes several months. A parole package provides information such as inmates background, education, accomplishments, risk assessment, post-parole plans, and continued rehabilitative programs upon release. The parole packet offers a picture of the potential parolee showing them as aRead More
Why Submit A Parole Packet?
Parole Packets are a means by which the Texas Board of Pardons and Parole receive information about an inmate's rehabilitation, participation in educational classes, and character which are used to determine an offender's parole vote. A parole package is not necessary for an inmate to make parole. The voting members of the Texas Board of Pardons and Parole do not require anyone to do anything. However the voting members of the Texas Board of Pardons and Parole receive hundreds of files each month for review for parole and mandatory supervision. A paroleRead More
What is the CHANGES Program?
The CHANGES Program is a program offered to offenders through the Texas Department of Criminal Justice and Windham School District which provide life skills to prepare offenders for release. CHANGES stands for Changing Habits and Achieving New Goals to Empower Success. Offenders who are expected to be released within two years or have F13R parole requirements are allowed and sometimes required to take the courses. The CHANGES program include topics that are important to being successful on the outside. These include: Personal Development – preparing for change, goal setting, self-discovery, values, attitudes,Read More