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TDCJ Unveils New Inmate Censorship Policy

In the new Offender Orientation Handbook released this earlier this month, the Texas Department of Criminal Justice instituted a new policy punishing offenders for having a social media presence even if it is managed by a friend or family member.   The new offender manual creates a prohibition on inmates "maintaining active social media accounts for the purposes of soliciting, updating, or engaging others, through a third party or otherwise."   Offenders who violate the new policy will be charged with a level three disciplinary violation which can result inRead More

Our Free Book on Texas Parole

While the book we sell, How to Prepare a Texas Parole Packet, is the bestselling one on Amazon and our website, this article is just to remind people we also have a free one available as well. Understanding the Texas Parole Process is a book written by our expert to assist people in understanding how the Texas parole system works. While it doesn't address the specifics of preparing a parole packet, it does provide a lot of information on the factors that go into getting a parole approved as wellRead More

Increase Chances for Parole – Showing an Attempt to Better Yourself

While there is no specific grading scale used to determine whether a parole will be granted (other than the Parole Guidelines Score discussed in our book and in this article) there are a variety of factors which are considered by the voting members of the Texas Board of Pardons and Parole (TBPP). First, and as we've mentioned before, an applicant for parole must remember that the Texas parole process does not work the way it does in the movies. There is no hearing where the potential parolee sits down withRead More

Parole Guidelines Score – What It Is and Why It Is Important

We were amazed to see not only were many of the newly available parole packet preparation services doing such a lousy job but some were not even addressing the Parole Guidelines Score or were using old numbers which resulted in an incorrect score. Since many of them actually bought our book and set up their service using the method established by us, this is particularly troubling. This is such an important part of a Texas Parole Packet that we wanted to provide just a little information on it via ourRead More

What Happens at the Parole Eligibility Date?

What happens on an inmate’s parole eligibility date?  Basically nothing.  The parole eligibility dates is not the date the parole board will decide whether or not to grant parole, it means the inmate can be released at any time after that date.   Every inmate, except those serving life without parole or sentenced to death, is issued a parole eligibility date upon arrival and/or after their last parole denial.  This date can be revised by Texas Department of Criminal Justice depending upon the amount of “good time” earned or lostRead More