What Happens at the Parole Eligibility Date?
What happens on an inmate’s parole eligibility date? Basically nothing. The parole eligibility dates is not the date the parole board will decide whether or not to grant parole, it means the inmate can be released at any time after that date.
Every inmate, except those serving life without parole or sentenced to death, is issued a parole eligibility date upon arrival and/or after their last parole denial. This date can be revised by Texas Department of Criminal Justice depending upon the amount of “good time” earned or lost while incarcerated.
Months prior to the parole eligibility date, an Institutional Parole Officer will gather information about the inmate. The voting members of the parole board will use this information, along with any supplemental information such as a parole packet provided by the inmate, to make a decision for parole BEFORE the eligibility date.
The best thing you can do is start on the parole packet as soon as possible and submit it well before the parole eligibility date to ensure that not only does it make it into the central file but also that it has time to be distributed to and reviewed by all of the voting members of the Texas Board of Pardons and Parole. A Texas parole package generally consists of support letters, pictures, certifications, educational certificates, risk assessments and a parole plan.
Our book, How to Prepare a Texas Parole Package, provides step by step instructions and examples of how to create a personalized and effective parole package. How to Prepare a Texas Parole Package is available as a downloadable PDF or in a bundle including the electronic form and a printed copy which can be mailed to an inmate at his or her unit or directly to you.
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