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Can a Texas Felon Vote?

One question that is on the minds of many Texas felons is are they allowed to vote?  The answer is "yes", as long as they meet the qualifications.

In Texas, voting qualifications are covered under the Texas Election Code, Title 2, Chapter 11, §11.002 (4)  which states that a person may vote if they have “ …not been finally convicted of a felony or, if so convicted, has: (A)  fully discharged the person's sentence, including any term of incarceration, parole, or supervision, or completed a period of probation ordered by any court; or (B)  been pardoned…”.

In other words, in Texas after convicted felons have completed their sentence (including parole and/or probation) they are eligible to vote as long as they have not been determined fully or partially mentally incompetent by a court.  A person who had their felony conviction pardoned is also allowed to vote.  

A convicted felon must also meet the general provisions for voting in Texas:

(1) Must be registered to vote as prescribed by law;

(2) A citizen of the United States and Texas;

(3) At least 18 years of age;

(4) A resident of Texas and of the county or municipality in which he or she seeks to vote; and

(5) Possessed of all other qualifications prescribed by law.

If you do not live in Texas, then check out to find rules for voting after a felony conviction in your state.

If you have completed your sentence in Texas and meet the general requirements for voting eligibility, we strongly encourage you to register and vote on Election Day.  Texas Secretary of State reported the last day to register to vote for the Presidential Election is October 9, 2012.  Eligible Texans can register in person at county Voter Registrars’ offices.  (In most Texas counties, the Tax Assessor-Collector is also the Voter Registrar. In some counties, the County Clerk or Elections Administrator registers voters.) Voter registration applications are available at county Voter Registrars’ offices or the Secretary of State's Office, as well as libraries, government offices or high schools. To register by mail, applications are available for download on

Need more information?  Visit for a comprehensive 50 State Guide to Restoring Your Rights After a Criminal Conviction.

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