Texas Prison Population Decreases
According to statistics released in July, the prison population in Texas is down about 2500 people from this time last year. In July, 2011, the population of Texas prisons was at 156,500, whereas this year it is down to 154,000.
This is expected for a number of reasons, chief among them the budgetary problems and cuts facing the state. Along with the rest of the state agencies, the Texas Department of Criminal Justice suffered a reduction in their budget and one of the results has to be a reduction in inmates.
In addition to programs designed to keep offenders from going to prison there also has been an increase in the number of paroles granted and enhanced techniques allowing parole officers to keep tabs on parolees.
In terms of the readers of this website, this information is important because it proves this is a good time to be preparing a Texas parole packet to assist in having the parole approved.
While the parole packet can be prepared by a Texas parole attorney, it is also possible for someone with no experience to prepare one that increases the chances of parole for an offender, and our book How to Prepare a Texas Parole Presentation Package provides forms and examples, as well as the laws that apply, in a simple and easy to understand format.