News from the Texas Legislature
As many of you know, the Texas House Corrections Committee and the Texas Senate Criminal Justice Committee are the sections of the legislature that plan and suggest changes to the Texas parole system.
The budget talks are not getting any better and, in addition to plans to cut prison Chaplains, slash rehabilitation programs, and reduce the number of meals prisoners get, a more effective parole system is now being discussed.
"Everything is on the table for discussion this year. Everything," said John Whitmire, chairman of the Senate Criminal Justice Committee.
The parole discussions seem to center around inmates who are ill, elderly, and non-violent foreign citizens awaiting deportation.
Regardless, as this site has mentioned repeatedly the only way to really cut the budget and stay within constitutional guidelines is to release more prisoners.
Stay tuned…
A Note:
People ask us "When is the time to start preparing a parole packet?" Most of you know, a parole packet or a parole presentation package, is a collection of documents and pictures that is sent to the parole board to help them get to know the potential parolee a little better. This is particularly important in Texas since there is not an interview with the actual member of the parole board who will be voting.
Our answer as to when to start is always the same.
There are many reasons for this, but the main thing to remember is it is better to have the information and not need it, than to need it and not have it. Many times it takes much longer to get the information together than you would think and people are forced to submit packets without all of the materials.
We discuss the various parts of the packet in our eBook, How to Prepare a Texas Parole Presentation Package, available as a download which can then be used to prepare the packet or as a download and printed copy. As a bookstore, we can mail the printed copy to a prisoner at his unit or directly to you. By all means, if you can afford a parole attorney, hire one, but if you can't, our low priced eBook will help you to do the best job possible.
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