Our Free Book on Texas Parole
While the book we sell, How to Prepare a Texas Parole Packet, is the bestselling one on Amazon and our website, this article is just to remind people we also have a free one available as well.
Understanding the Texas Parole Process is a book written by our expert to assist people in understanding how the Texas parole system works. While it doesn't address the specifics of preparing a parole packet, it does provide a lot of information on the factors that go into getting a parole approved as well as the prison system in general.
The book is prepared primarily using information available from the Texas Department of Criminal Justice as well as the Texas Board of Pardons and Paroles although it also contains information acquired from other sources, and a great deal of experience in/with the Texas justice system.
If you know someone either in prison or about to enter prison then this book will provide a lot of information that will be of use in an offender's conduct in prison and preparing for the parole process.
The books is available in downloadable form only at this link at our sister site Rebellionbooks.com.
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