rebellion books
Be Very Careful About Downloading Free Texas Parole Packet Forms
We just wanted to give you a quick warning. Over the last few months we've noticed a number of websites offering "free" downloads of Texas Parole Packets, forms, and letters. We're not going to put the websites here because that increases their Google score but we have reason to suspect that using some of these websites will instead cause you to download viruses, worms, copyrights/protected information, and other malware. Most of these websites are pretty shady looking, may have foreign languages on them, have nonsense domain names, and often have a lotRead More
A Suggestion to Help People in Prison
While the main purpose of this website is to help people understand the parole process in Texas and also to educate them about the importance of parole packets, we also try to occasionally offer our insights into life inside prison and what can be done to make it easier on the offenders. We've mentioned before how a few dollars placed into an inmates commissary account can be a big deal and how uplifting "making store" can be, even if they only get a few soups and a soft drink. The prisonsRead More