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texas parole lawyers


How to Choose a Texas Parole Lawyer

For those inmates lucky enough to have family or friends that can afford to hire a Texas Parole Attorney then difficulty then becomes "which one to hire?" A few tips to making your selection (and we certainly hope you'll consider hiring one of those Texas parole lawyers  who advertise on this site): 1) Pick an attorney that you like. You will have to work with them for a little while and so you want it to be as pleasant as possible. Nothing is worse than having to work with someoneRead More

Can I Appeal a Denial of Parole?

This is a bit of a tricky question in Texas.  When parole has been denied, the offender  can certainly send a Request for Reconsideration but, realistically, unless the Parole Board did something like consider evidence that wasn't a part of the file (ex. make their decision based on the wrong file) then it isn't likely to be granted. Add to this, the offender never knows what was reviewed or what made the difference in the decision since the reasons given for the denial are general in nature and there isRead More

How to Prepare a Texas Parole Presentation Package

Many of us can't afford a lawyer to help a loved one with parole, but we still want them to have a fair shot at parole in Texas. That's the reason we developed "How to Prepare a Texas Parole Presentation Package", written by a psychology professional and a former attorney. The book is now available through  and contains complete and easy to follow directions and forms to help prepare a Parole Presentation Package. It is available as an eBook for instant download, or in printed form.   For someone workingRead More

Putting Together a Parole Packet

While our book, How to Prepare a Texas Parole Presentation Package, goes into the process and requirements in detail, several people have asked about other parole letters and packets on the internet and we thought we would take this chance to discuss them. The important thing to remember about a parole packet is that it may be the only chance the voting members have to see anything personal about the offender. We know their files contain letters from the DA, police reports, prison records, and sometimes letters from the "victims".Read More

Texas Prisons Consider Layoffs Due to Budget

First, I don't think it will happen. While some of the more expensive private prisons may be closed, such as CCA or GEO run prisons, Idon't believe for an instant that TDC will actually cut any employees. The Texas Department of Corrections issued a statement on Monday advising that if it has to cut its spending by the 15% bing discussed, it would result in 7.300 layoffs of personnel. As could be expected TDC is casting this as a "threat to public safety".  "Our goal is to keep the public'sRead More