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texas parole board


Texas Parole Terminology – Set Off Date

Anyone looking at the terminology used by the Texas Board of Pardons and Parole needs to understand that the terms don’t always mean what they appear to mean. We will discuss this more in future posts. When an inmate is eligible for parole in Texas, the voting members of the Texas Board of Pardons and Parole have many options on how they can vote. Two of the choices, if the voting members vote to deny parole for an offender, are that the offender will be assigned either a a “serveRead More

The Most Important Part of a Texas Parole Package

The title to this article may be just a little misleading because every part of a parole packet, especially when done using the system we describe in our book How to Prepare a Texas Parole Packet, is important. That's due to the fact that the system is set up to cover all areas and appeal to whatever the specific voting members of the Texas Board of Pardons and Parole think are important. However, there is one part of the packet that we see people messing up on very, very oftenRead More

How to Help Someone During the Parole Review Process

Of course, the best way to help someone is by sending them a copy of our book, How to Prepare a Texas Parole Packet, which contains forms, instructions, and examples of all of the documents needed to increase the chances of parole being granted.  However, even if you don't want to go to that time and expense, you can still help. One of the most important items contained in the Texas parole packet are support letters. These letters can come from friends, families, employers, or acquaintances. Their purpose is toRead More

Understanding the Texas Parole Process E-book is Now Available and Free!

While we continue to update and offer our book, How to Prepare a Texas Parole Packet, in both a bundle containing our printed version that can be sent to you or to someone in prison and an ebook that is instantly available or as a standalone ebook/digital download formats we have also completed the ebook Understanding the Texas Parole Process and it is now available for download at this link. Understanding the Texas Parole Process is an ebook which explains, in easy to understand terms, how the parole process in Texas worksRead More

How to Avoid the #1 Parole Packet Mistake

This may seem a little elementary but the #1 mistake people make when preparing a Texas Parole Packet either for themselves or for a friend or family member is easily avoided. First, some of you may not be aware of what a parole packet does. We'd encourage you to read a couple of our other articles so that you are aware of how the system works. The ones we suggest you read first are : How Does the Texas Parole Board Make Their Decisions, and Parole Interviews in Texas. The reasonRead More