support letter
Lots and Lots of Bad Info and Scammers Out There

At we like to keep informed of what is going on both in the prison system and the things in the outside world that concern the people who are incarcerated along with their families. What we have seen is a phenomenal rise in both the number of entities trying to take advantage of people in times of trouble as well as scams. We’ve repeatedly made it clear that if you can afford to employ the services of a parole attorney then that is the route to take. We’ve alsoRead More
How to Help Someone During the Parole Review Process
Of course, the best way to help someone is by sending them a copy of our book, How to Prepare a Texas Parole Packet, which contains forms, instructions, and examples of all of the documents needed to increase the chances of parole being granted. However, even if you don't want to go to that time and expense, you can still help. One of the most important items contained in the Texas parole packet are support letters. These letters can come from friends, families, employers, or acquaintances. Their purpose is toRead More
How Does the Texas Parole Board Make Their Decisions?
A question most asked of potential parolees is “How does the Parole Board make their decisions about parole?” The members of the Texas Parole Board use a set of parole guidelines in order to obtain a score for an offender. For years, the Parole Board has been using a two-prong guideline to determine an offender’s likelihood of parole. The guidelines contain two major sections: the Risk Assessment Instrument and the Offense Severity Class. These work together to provide an offender’s likelihood of parole in a single score. In appearance, theRead More
Over 80,000 Inmates Considered for Parole in 2012
In 2012, 81,638 inmates were considered for parole. Of those, only 29,689 were approved. That means the Texas Board of Pardons and Parole approved just 36.8% of the inmates who were up for parole. On average each parole office decides over 16,000 parole reviews per year, roughly 310 per week or almost 63 per day. These numbers do not include the additional thousands of cases in which the board is considering an inmate for mandatory supervision. Based on these numbers, it is clear the members of the Parole BoardRead More
Father’s Day in Prision
Father's Day in prison is rough on both the man inside as well as the kids on the outside. Texas Parole Now urges you to go and visit the dad not only to help improve his spirits but also for the benefit of the children and to keep the family unit together as much as possible. Every father wants nothing more than to be outside the walls. However, if that is not possible then the next thing they want is to know that the people on the outside still loveRead More