state of texas
The Parole Interview in Texas Parole Cases
As we have mentioned in a previous post, the parole system in Texas is not like other states and not like they show you in the movies. I remember scenes from both Ocean's 11 and The Shawshank Redemption where a prisoner is led into this large, nearly empty room and then sits in a chair in front of the parole board, answering the questions in a way that they hope will allow for their release. Texas is different in that there is no opportunity for the prisoner to meet withRead More
Texas Republicans Cancel $239 Million in Proposed Cuts in Prison and Parole System
Governor Rick Perry ordered state agencies to cut $1.2 billion in spending to assist in controlling a shortfall of up to $18 billion in this year's budget. The main issue of concern to readers of this blog is that there were $239 million in proposed budget cuts in the Texas Prison and Parole System., including cuts in prison health care, security, and other important issues. Earlier in the year several lawmakers offered suggestions concerning how to reduce the budget for the penal system, including closing some facilities, such as theRead More